/BCO-DMO/Seagrass_Blue_Carbon/seagrass_CN ---- Level 0

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#   Seagrass C, N & isotope composition
#   Eelgrass from Virginia Coastal Lagoons and turtlegrass from St George Sound FL
#   PI: R. Zimmerman (ODU)
#   version: 2018-10-10
Location              lat         lon         
Dog_Island_Reef_FL    29.853211   -84.456302  
Lanark_Reef_FL        29.894172   -84.551509  
Turkey_Point_FL       29.90715    -84.496873  
South_Bay_VA          37.276965   -75.813636  
Spidercrab_Bay_VA     37.343211   -75.732307